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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Apparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis

Apparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis front-coverApparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis back-coverApparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis back-coverApparatus critici ad Demosthenem. II-III + Indices Operum Demosthenis back-cover
Leipzig, W. G. Sommer. 1774-1775. (2)+851-1198+(2)+544+(2)+547-1782+944 pages. Half-leather with gilt-decorated spines and red-coloured edges, three uniform volumes (unknown bookbinder). The boards are a bit rubbed and the spines are a bit worn. Shelf-wear on the mounted paper. 2 cm split in the outer front joints of vol. II. The title-page of vol. III has been repaired. Creases in the upper corner of pages 825-870 in the index volume and some foxing on the endpapers and title pages, otherwise the contents are clean and in good condition. Vol. X-XII of Reiske’s “Oratorum Graecorum” (lacks serial title pages). Dibdin: "An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics I", 1827. p. 482: "a rich repository, in which almost every thing that can illustrate and enlarge our knowledge of Grecian eloquence is to be found."
Genre: Antiken

Pris: 1850 kr


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