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Barcia's Chronological History of the Continent of Florida

Barcia's Chronological History of the Continent of Florida

Connecticut, Greenwood Press. 1970. lx+426 pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit bumped spine. Owner's signature. Illustrated. Reprint of the 1951 edition. Issued in 999 copies, this one being number 876.

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415 kr

The Study of Latin American History and Society in Scandinavia. Report presented at a conference organized by the Institute of Political History, University of Turku, Finland 3-4 September, 1970

The Study of Latin American History and Society in Scandinavia. Report presented at a conference organized by the Institute of Political History, University of Turku, Finland 3-4 September, 1970

Stockholm, Institute of Latin American Studies. 1973. 96 pages. Softcover. Minor crease at the upper edge of the front cover. A couple of library stamps inside.

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80 kr

Andes Patagonicos. Viajes de exploration a la cordillera patagónica austral

Andes Patagonicos. Viajes de exploration a la cordillera patagónica austral

Buenos Aires. 1945. 184+177-445+(2) pages. Publisher's decorated cloth (dust-jacket is missing). The spine is slightly worn and bumped. The top margin of the front board is very slightly faded. Black stains on pages 109 and 172, 2,5 cm tear on pages 157-160 and a crease in the upper corner of page 173. Pages 177-184 are printed twice. Tear of 4 cm on the last map. A small crack between the last two pages (approx. 1 cm). Owner's signature. Profusely illustrated. With plates and maps. Second revised edition. In Spanish.

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4000 kr

Paisajes Magallanicos. Itinerarios turisticos

Paisajes Magallanicos. Itinerarios turisticos

Punta Arenas. 1945. 164+167-205+(3) pages. Publisher's cloth with a mounted picture on the front board. Corners and spine ends are a bit rubbed. The inner margin is a bit "wavy", most likely as a result of the binding. Minor black stains on page 170. Owner's signature. Pages 165-166 do not exist, this is a typo (the plate facing page 164 has been counted as page 165). Illustrated. With plates and maps.

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2500 kr

The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures 1504-1700. A Study in Canadian Civilization

The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures 1504-1700. A Study in Canadian Civilization

Toronto, University of Toronto Press. 1969 (second edition). xxiii+218 pages. Publisher's cloth with dustjacket. A bit rubbed and faded dustjacket.

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100 kr

Guldfeber. En bok om guldrusherna till Kalifornien och Klondike

Guldfeber. En bok om guldrusherna till Kalifornien och Klondike

Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 1979. 224 sidor. Inbundet pappband. Obetydligt tilltryckta ryggslut. Enstaka biblioteksstämplar och -etiketter. Illustrerad.

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100 kr

A Companion to the Anthropology of American Indians

A Companion to the Anthropology of American Indians

Blackwell Publishing. 2008. xxiii+(1)+567 pages. Soft-cover. Laminated. Library label on the front-cover and a couple of library stamps inside.

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190 kr

American Freedom and Catholic Power

American Freedom and Catholic Power

The Beacon Press, 1951. (6)+354 sid. 8:o. Vikt: 506 gram. Inbundet klotband. Något nötta hörn. Inlagan i fint skick.

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80 kr

Hemmen i den nya verlden. En dagbok i bref, skrifna under tvenne års resor i norra Amerika och på Cuba. I-III

Hemmen i den nya verlden. En dagbok i bref, skrifna under tvenne års resor i norra Amerika och på Cuba. I-III

Stockholm, P A Norstedt & Söner, 1853-1854. xii+468+(2)+519+(2)+530 sid. +tre litograferade planscher i del III (samtliga). Tre samtida osignerade halvskinnband. Originalomslagen ej medbundna. Nötta och något fläckiga pärmar. Rygghuvudet på del I reparerat med skinn. 1 cm lång glipa i främre ytterfalsen på del III samt delvis spruckna innerfalsar. Början till sprickor i bakre innerfalsen i del I och II. Genomgående fläckig inlaga, början och slutet av varje volym rejält fläckiga (därav priset). Sista sidan i del III saknas (registersida).

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850 kr

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Köln, Könemann. 2000. 128 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Ett par skrapmärken på skyddsomslagets framsida. Rikt illustrerad coffee table-bok (41x30,5 cm).

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125 kr

The American century. Varieties of culture in modern times

The American century. Varieties of culture in modern times

New York, HarperCollins Publishers. 1997. xiv+(2)+591+(6) pages. Hard-cover. A bit bumped. Speckle on the back board. Owner's signature and a few underlinings. WIth plates.

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85 kr

Dragons of God. A journey through far-right America

Dragons of God. A journey through far-right America

Atlanta, Longstreet press. 1996. (10)+187 pages. Hard-cover. The spine is slightly bumped. Owner's signature.

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80 kr

Ny och fullständig Förenta staternas historia från Amerikas upptäckt till närvarande tid

Ny och fullständig Förenta staternas historia från Amerikas upptäckt till närvarande tid

Swedish Publishing Co. Chicago. 1904. 320 sidor. Hyggligt skick. Inbundet dekorerat klotband. Nött och fläckig pärm med avskavda ryggslut. Övre hörnet på försättsbladet, första plansche n samt titelbladet är bortklippt. Mindre reva på titelbladet. Med planscher.

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125 kr

Disunited states

Disunited states

BasicBooks. 1997. xi+(1)+256 pages. Hard-cover. Slightly bumped. Underlinings in parts of the book.

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85 kr

Colombie: Objets d'or préhispaniques. / Colombia: Gold Objects / Kolumbien: Indianische Goldschmiedekunst / Colombia: Orfebreria prehispánica

Colombie: Objets d'or préhispaniques. / Colombia: Gold Objects / Kolumbien: Indianische Goldschmiedekunst / Colombia: Orfebreria prehispánica

Lausanne/Paris, Editions Rencontre. 1971. 87+(1) pages. Publisher's cloth. A bit bumped and darkened spine. With 24 diapositives. Text in French, English, German and Spanish.

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90 kr

Harvest of rage. Why rural America has declared war

Harvest of rage. Why rural America has declared war

Westview. 1997. x+292 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Owner's signature. Underlinings in parts of the book.

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80 kr

Chile. 280 grabados en cobre

Chile. 280 grabados en cobre

Paris, Braun & C:ie. 1932. 66+(5) pages +280 monochrome plates and one fold-out map. Printed wrappers with dust-jacket. Slightly bumped dust-jacket with minor brown speckles. A long tear on the fold-out map, the map is almost split into two (hence the price). Text in Spanish, French, German and English.

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500 kr

Forestry in Minnesota

Forestry in Minnesota

St. Paul, Pioneer Press Company. 1902 (second edition). 401 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. Illustrated.

Ny 2024-09-28

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125 kr

Sun City, Arizona - Lebensstil und Lebenszufriedenheit in einer Rentnersiedlung

Sun City, Arizona - Lebensstil und Lebenszufriedenheit in einer Rentnersiedlung

München. 1983. 196+(1) pages. Printed wrappers. A bit bumped. A couple of black spots on the back wrapper. Illustrated.

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120 kr

Kejsardrama i Mexico

Kejsardrama i Mexico

Medéns, 1944. 391 sid. 8:o. Trådhäftad. Något fläckig rygg. Något kantstött, annars fint skick. Ouppskuren.

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80 kr

The Riders of the Plains. A Record of the Royal North-West Mounted Police of Canada 1873-1910

The Riders of the Plains. A Record of the Royal North-West Mounted Police of Canada 1873-1910

Charles E Tuttle Company. 1971. xxiv+385 sidor. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Slightly bumped dust-jacket with brown spot on the spine. Exlibris on the inside. WI th plates. Facsimile of the 1910 edition.

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120 kr

USA:s alla presidenter. Från Washington till Trump

USA:s alla presidenter. Från Washington till Trump

Lind & Co. 2019. 411 sidor. Inbundet pappband med skyddsomslag. Illustrerad.

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90 kr

Krock eller dialog? Europeiska möten med Latinamerikas ursprungsfolk

Krock eller dialog? Europeiska möten med Latinamerikas ursprungsfolk

Brutus Östlings bokförlag Symposion. 2004. 262 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Något kanstött.

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100 kr

The Age of the Moguls

The Age of the Moguls

New York, Doubleday & Company. 1953. x+373 pages. Publisher's cloth. Spine ends are slightly bumped. With plates. Mainstream of America Series.

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100 kr

Amerikanska bilder. En personlig resa genom det svarta Amerika

Amerikanska bilder. En personlig resa genom det svarta Amerika

Stockholm, Liber Förlag. 1978. 272 sidor. Trådhäftad. Något kantstött och blekt rygg med lite bortskavd färg. Illustrerad.

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115 kr

New Westers. The West in contemporary American culture

New Westers. The West in contemporary American culture

University Press of Kansas. 1996. xii+(4)+408 pages. Hard-cover with dust-jacket. Slightly bumped. Owner's signature. Illustrated.

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80 kr

Cuba och dess frihetskamp. En kulturhistorisk studie

Cuba och dess frihetskamp. En kulturhistorisk studie

Stockholm, C. & E. Gernandts förlags aktiebolag. 1899. (16)+399 sidor. Samtida osignerat halvklotband med rött helsnitt, häftesomslagen ej medbundna. Något blekt rygg med ett par mindre fläckar. Illustrerad.

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125 kr

Visions of the American West

Visions of the American West

The University Press of Kentucky. 1989. x+301 pages. Original printed wrappers. Slightly bumped with minor tear in the front cover.

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80 kr

Maerchen der Azteken, Inka-Maya und Muiska

Maerchen der Azteken, Inka-Maya und Muiska

Eugen Diederichs. 1928. (2)+xv+(1)+402+(5) pages. Hard-cover. A bit rubbed. A couple of library stamps inside. With the ex libris of Preben Nodermann on the inside of the front cover. With plates.

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90 kr

Indianermärchen aus Nordamerika

Indianermärchen aus Nordamerika

Eugen Diedrichs. 1924. vii+(1)+419+(1) pages. Hard-cover. Slighty bumped corners. Minor loss of paper in the lower corner of page i-vi. A couple of library stamps ins ide. With the ex libris of Preben Nodermann on the inside of the front cover. With plates.

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90 kr

Petrology of Interglacial Volcanics from the Andes of Northern Patagonia

Petrology of Interglacial Volcanics from the Andes of Northern Patagonia

Uppsala, 1940. 191-405 pages +plates. Printed wrappers. Corners and spine ends are slightly bumped. Reprint from "Bull. Of the Geol. Instit. Of Upsala XXVIII. Misión científica Sueca Ljungner a la Patagonia 1932-34. Informe N:o 7

Ny 2024-09-28

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125 kr

The Next American Nation. The New Nationalism And The Fourth American Revolution

The Next American Nation. The New Nationalism And The Fourth American Revolution

New York, Free Press. 1995. (12)+436 pages. Hard-cover. Owner's siganture.

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90 kr

Landeskunde von Chile

Landeskunde von Chile

Hamburg, L. Friedrichsen & Co. 1923. xxix+(3)+786 pages. Publisher's cloth. Inner hinges are very weak. Minor white strokes on the front board. Minor brown speckles on the fore edge. Inscription. With plates. With fold-out plate in a pocket attached to the back paste-down. Second revised edition.

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250 kr

Leisure and Society in Colonial Brazzaville

Leisure and Society in Colonial Brazzaville

Cambridge, 2002. 278 pages. Soft-cover. Owner's signature on the inside of the front cover.

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120 kr

Contemporary Chinese America. Immigration, Ethnicity, and Community Transformation

Contemporary Chinese America. Immigration, Ethnicity, and Community Transformation

Temple University Press. 2009. xvi+310+(2) sidor.Limmat mjukband. Liten namnteckning på pärmens insida.

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180 kr

Industrial Revolution in Mexico

Industrial Revolution in Mexico

Berkeley, University of California Press. 1954. xii+331 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. Slightly bumped with minor tears, speckles and creases on the dust-jacket. Second printing.

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90 kr

The Swedes and the Swedish Settlements in North America. II. Atlas

The Swedes and the Swedish Settlements in North America. II. Atlas

Lund, CWK Gleerup. 1943. (12) pages +73 maps. Publisher's quarter-cloth. Slightly bumped with dampstains on the front board. Minor loss of paper on the back board. A couple of library stamps inside. Author's dedication to Lunds Universitets Geografiska Institution. Atlas volume only. Skrifter utgivna av Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund XXXVII.

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350 kr

De sydamerikanska indianernas kulturhistoria [Pärmtitel: Sydamerikas indianer]

De sydamerikanska indianernas kulturhistoria [Pärmtitel: Sydamerikas indianer]

Stockholm, Albert Bonniers förlag. 1912. (8)+264 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Något nött och fläckig pärm. Ryggen något blekt. Innerfalsarna något svaga. Förlagets stämpel på titelbladet. Exlibris: Magnus Lindqvist. Illustrerad. Med planscher och karta.

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165 kr

Prairie populism. The fate of agrarian radicalism in Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa, 1880-1892

Prairie populism. The fate of agrarian radicalism in Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa, 1880-1892

University Press of Kansas. 1993. xii+256 pages. Hard-cover. Dust-jacket is missing. Owner's signature on the front board and on the top edge.

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100 kr

Every-day Life in Washington with Pen and Camera

Every-day Life in Washington with Pen and Camera

New York, The Christian Herald. 1900. 416 pages. Publisher's decorated cloth. Boards are a bit worn and rubbed. 3 cm split in the inner front hinge. Owner's signature. Foxing on the frontispiece, otherwise the contents are clean and in good condition. Illustrated.

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200 kr

Mellan det förflutna och framtiden. Den sandinska revolutionen i Nicaragua

Mellan det förflutna och framtiden. Den sandinska revolutionen i Nicaragua

Lund, Sociologiska Institutionen. 1997. 322 sidor. Limmat mjukband. Mindre fläckar på främre snittet. Med disputationsblad. Lund Monographs in Social Anthropology 3.

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90 kr

Unequal Sisters. A Multicultural Reader in U.S. Women's History

Unequal Sisters. A Multicultural Reader in U.S. Women's History

New York, Routledge. 1994 (andra uppl.). xvi+(2)+620 sid. Limmat mjukband. Något kantstötta hörn. Enstaka biblioteksstämplar. Ej senaste upplagan.

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125 kr

American Studies in Europe. Their History and present Organization. I-II

American Studies in Europe. Their History and present Organization. I-II

Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press. 1958. 357+(2)+(4)+364-735+(2) pages. Printed wrappers, two volumes. The spines are a bit yellowed.

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200 kr

Southern Manhood: Perspectives on Masculinity in the Old South

Southern Manhood: Perspectives on Masculinity in the Old South

The University of Georgia Press. 2004. xvii+(3)+234 sidor. Publisher's cloth. Dust-jacket is missing. Corners and spine are slightly bumped.

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135 kr

Our Viking Industrialists and Craftsmen/Who's Who in Viking Industry and Craftmanship in Northeastern United States

Our Viking Industrialists and Craftsmen/Who's Who in Viking Industry and Craftmanship in Northeastern United States

Svea Publishing Company. Andra uppl. 1946. 245+(7) sidor. Inbundet klotband. Något kantstött pärm. Fläck på titelbladet. Illustrerad. Med tre inklistrade maskinskrivna A4-sidor s om kompletterar informationen om "Colonel Hans Lagerloef" på sid. 151.

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220 kr

Turistskizzer från andra sidan Atlanten

Turistskizzer från andra sidan Atlanten

Stockholm, P A Norstedt & Söners förlag. 1901. (4)+250 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. Aningen kantstötta hörn. Ägarstämpel: Emil Flensburg. Lite småfläckar på för- och eftersättsbladen. Med planscher.

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100 kr

Beyond Eurocentrism and multiculturalism. Notes on Race and Power in America

Beyond Eurocentrism and multiculturalism. Notes on Race and Power in America

Monroe, Common Courage Press. 1993. x+244 pages. Printed wrappers. Minor crease on the back wrapper. Owner's signature. Beyond Etnocentrism and Multiculturalism. Volume Two.

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80 kr

Armageddon in Waco. Critical Perspectives on the Branch Davidian Conflict

Armageddon in Waco. Critical Perspectives on the Branch Davidian Conflict

The University of Chicago Press. 1995. xxvi+394 pages. Printed wrappers. Tear on the front wrapper.

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80 kr