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Erik Oskarsson Antikvariat


Oratorum Graecorum, quorum princeps est Demosthenes [...] Volumen primum, partem priorem dimidiam Demosthenis tenens.

Oratorum Graecorum, quorum princeps est Demosthenes [...] Volumen primum, partem priorem dimidiam Demosthenis tenens. front-coverOratorum Graecorum, quorum princeps est Demosthenes [...] Volumen primum, partem priorem dimidiam Demosthenis tenens. back-cover
Leipzig, W. G. Sommer. 1770. (12)+cvii+(1)+808 pages. Half-leather with raised binds and red-coloured edges. The boards are rubbed with missing pieces of leather on the spine and beginning splits in the outer joints. Shelf-wear on the mounted paper. Lacks the frontispiece. Trace of removed label on the front paste-down. Minor foxing on a few pages. Vol. I of XII. The first two volumes contain the Greek text of the works of Demosthenes, based on Benenat’s edition. Dibdin: "An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics I", 1827. p. 482: "a rich repository, in which almost every thing that can illustrate and enlarge our knowledge of Grecian eloquence is to be found."
Genre: Antiken

Pris: 500 kr


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