Vergilius/Virgilius Maro, Publius [Virgil] & Jacques Delille (transl.): Publii Virgilii Maronis Aeneis. L’Énéide, traduite par Jacques Delille. I-IV.
Paris, Giguet & Michaud. 1804. 390+367+334+404 pages. +engraved frontispiece in each volume. Contemporary half-leather with red-coloured edges and profusely gilt spines (unknown bookbinder), four volumes. A bit rubbed with shelf-wear on the mounted paper. The mounted paper is also slightly darkened close to the inner margin on all four volumes. Split of 1 cm in the upper spine end of vol. IV. Loss of paper in the lower corner of page 337 in vol. I (no text is missing). Minor brown stains on a few pages. Dampstains in the lower corners of the frontispieces of vol. III-IV, otherwise contents are in good condition. With the bookplate of Johan Hindric Tawast in all four volumes. Bilingual edition of the Latin text with Delille’s French translation into alexandrines. Serial title: “Oeuvres de Jacques Delille”.
Genre: Antiken
Genre: Antiken
Pris: 1750 kr
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